
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, we can help

We can help you To learn more about prostate cancer through guest speakers, books, DVDs and newsletters;
To make better decisions about what treatment to have (you can talk to men who have had the different treatments that you may be considering);
To meet others who are going through the same thing as you (avoid feeling isolated and alone)

We are a peer support group ( a group of men and women who have been affected by prostate cancer) who provide information, education and support. We are affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

Evidence shows that:
Peer support can reduce the psychological stress associated with prostate cancer diagnosis; and
Support groups can improve the quality of life and well being of people with prostate cancer and their carers.

If you need help before our next meeting, please phone one of the people listed on the Contact Page.

Our next meeting, on Tuesday May 21, 2024, at 10am, will be an opportunity for members to share their present situation, ask questions and hear the experience of others, or to just listen and learn. It will be in-person at the usual meeting place in the Meeting Room, Ivanhoe Uniting Church, Seddon Street, Ivanhoe 3079, and also on Zoom (details will be circulated via email before the meeting).

The July meeting, (in-person at the Uniting Church, 19 Seddon St Ivanhoe and on Zoom): Tuesday July 16 at 10am to 12noon, will be devoted entirely to discussions between members, giving everyone the opportunity to describe their present situation, ask questions and hear the experience of others.

The next meeting will be in-person at the Meeting Room, Ivanhoe Uniting Church, 19 Seddon Street, Ivanhoe 3079, and on Zoom.  It will be held on Tuesday July 16, 2024, starting at 10am, and will be devoted entirely to discussions between members.   The Zoom URL will be circulated via email.